The B.C.C. was born in Eraclea, from the passion for motorcycles of Lorenzo “Boccin” and Donatella “Tella”, husband and wife
Lorenzo has over 30 years of experience in mechanics and engine processing. His great love for this job led him to constantly renew and expand his knowledge.
At the age of 20, he made his first “ShovelHead”, a small masterpiece that made him passionate about the “old” engines, of which he soon became a first-rate expert.
Boccin Custom Cycles specializes in the restoration and preparation of recent and vintage custom bikes, mostly Harley Davidson® and British motorcycles. This is not just a job but a visceral passion that pushes Lorenzo, Donatella and their collaborators to constantly improve and create quality works, unique in their kind.

Boccin Custom Cycles specializes in the restoration and preparation of recent and vintage custom bikes, mostly Harley Davidson® and British motorcycles. This is not just a job but a visceral passion that pushes Lorenzo, Donatella and their collaborators to constantly improve and create quality works, unique in their kind.

Harley Davidson repair shop
Harley is not just a motorcycle, it is a living and precious thing that must be treated by professionals. It’s not enough to take her to the mechanic, however professional it may be.
every Harley Davidson requires special care, skills and attention and as such must be taken care of by professionals.
BCC CUSTOM CYCLES specializes in Harley Davidson Motorcycles, from the first models produced up to the most recent and sophisticated, on which it can boast thirty years of experience.
We are not only talking about simple maintenance but also about the wider and branched world of custom, in which Boccin proves to be the forerunner and master, winning various awards and no less important the world championship in 2012 in America, the homeland of this culture.
Lorenzo (Boccin) is a recognized professional, an experienced Harley Davidson and, like you, a great enthusiast of this historic house. That’s why your beloved bike is in good hands with him.
On the other hand, the BCC not only takes care of the famous American manufacturer but also of any two wheels that cross the threshold of the workshop , using the most modern and sophisticated techniques to ensure the best possible result each time.
Moto & Auto restoration
BCC CUSTOM CYCLES works restorations on motorcycles, cars and vintage vehicles in general, with the utmost care and attention to detail.
The Center specializes in Restoration Harley Davidson Motorcycles and American cars in general, on which it has thirty years experience; but also operates on other types of vehicles, as you can see from the Gallery. The working method is proven by years of experience and guarantees a long-lasting result , high quality and the safety of not having problems with cracks and painting that opacify.
The restoration phases are carried out with the most modern and advanced techniques to avoid any kind of deformation of the frame and mechanical parts.
The body shop comes controlled with care, in order to find dents, cuts or holes, that they come systematized without the use of stucco, but straightening or welding where necessary.
Even the mechanics is controlled in every part and where necessary it proceeds to a meticulous restoration to bring back to the old splendor your jewels of epoch, Boccin Custom Cycles follows every phase of working of the motors to own inside , having in fact its own grinding and processing center , every little detail is followed by us, having the certainty of delivering a perfect product and ready for a new life.

BCC deals with the car and motorbike sector of :
- total or partial restoration of the bodywork/chassis or its construction in whole or in part on design
- modifications, restorations and restoration of all mechanical parts
- regeneration and interior modifications on request
- ordinary and extraordinary maintenance in general
- search on request of particular vintage and non vintage vehicles, and import assistance
- assistance on documentation, registration and overhaul of vehicles
- recovery of spare parts of all kinds
- ECU processing also of the latest generation for optimization of consumption and performance
- mechanical and aesthetic modification
- assistance on approvals and modifications to documents
Hot rods and muscle car
The choice is not limited only to the world of custom two-wheelers, we add two more and enter the world of cars, from the restoration of American and European cars , to the custom creation of hot rods, there is no limit to the possibilities.
the services offered are:.
- detailing car and interior renovation.
- repairing, restoration and recovery body.
- maintenance, repair and engine modifications.
- construction of prototypes and hot rods on commission.
- suspension and shocks
- approved exhaust systems and competition exhaust system.
- assistance on auto import and spare parts .
- rebuilding tanks and frames.
- complete restorations (frame off). and much more…

Custom builder
BCC deals with dedication and passion to the construction of custom bikes, starting from an existing bike but also starting from scratch, each piece is hand-built and finished in every detail: frame, wheels, handlebars, drains, accessories …. Everything can be realized as the customer most desires.
The choice is endless, you just have to put your project on paper, discuss the details and see it realized one piece at a time.
Obviously every work of the atelier BCC is not completed without a good dose of paint, carried out by the now accomplice SMALL CUP CUSTOM PAINTING that proves great dexterity and skill every time a new bike passes under his hands ; a marriage, that between the two names ,that gives rise to real works of art as you can see from the projects, of which a small part is also visible online in the gallery section.
Boccin Custom Cycles specializes in the restoration and preparation of recent and vintage custom bikes, mostly Harley Davidson® and British motorcycles. This is not just a job but a visceral passion that pushes Lorenzo, Donatella and their collaborators to constantly improve and create quality works, unique in their kind.
Boccin Custom Cycles specializes in the restoration and preparation of recent and vintage custom bikes, mostly Harley Davidson® and British motorcycles.
Boccin Custom Cycles specializes in the restoration and preparation of recent and vintage custom bikes, mostly Harley Davidson® and British motorcycles.